“Three Pains” – A Lesson about Spiritual Abortion
January 16, 2015 by Administrator
Filed under Dialogues, Featured, Spirituality

[This is a conversation between one of our contributors and an agnostic reader of NA. The names have been changed, and permission to publish has been granted. This conversation is a wake-up call of sorts, in that it it portrays the unintentional, mostly unidentified, but nonetheless death-dealing phenomenon of what we’ve named “spiritual abortion”. Fear-based caring on the part... Read More
Angelus Dixit
December 3, 2014 by Administrator
Filed under Catholic Apologetics, Spirituality

[Note to our readers: This is a very unusual piece of writing. If you find it hard to understand, don’t worry because we do too. We are posting it just in case you can get something from it. We are going to post a commentary eventually which will explain it piece by piece to the best of our understanding.] I. When you hear God and say something back to God, then you have something to say to... Read More
Letting the Cat Out of the Bag (A Dialogue on Pseudo-Catholicism)
November 3, 2014 by Administrator
Filed under Catholic Apologetics, Dialogues, Featured, Spirituality

Conversation started November 24, 2013 11/24, 12:06am James Christopher Are you discerning a vocation to the priesthood? 11/24, 12:07am Matthew Von Zarovich Yes. 11/24, 12:08am James Christopher You can ask whatever is on your mind here. There is a sort of behind the scenes ministry through FB chat. 11/24, 12:09am Matthew Von Zarovich What kind of ministry? 11/24,... Read More
The Christian Charism – An Explorative Conversation
September 14, 2014 by Administrator
Filed under Featured, Spirituality

This three-part talk is a spontaneous recording which took place in late 2013. The topics are very substantial, and are of import to all interested in the spiritual life. Read More →
August 19, 2014 by Administrator
Filed under Featured, Spirituality

This is an original poem by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be. Seamless I Upon some altar I offer my... Read More
(The Ordinary Discourse)
November 30, 2013 by Administrator
Filed under Spirituality

“This is an original poem by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be.” (The Ordinary Discourse) Thoughtful... Read More
A Christmas Prayer (Inspired by St. Thérèse)
August 6, 2013 by Administrator
Filed under Spirituality

My God, I have done little to prepare for Christmas. I have prepared myself poorly for the feast of your birth, and I will celebrate it as poorly. If I say that there is an “ought”, I can say also that I have not lived up to it. And now I say I love you. I do not attempt to reconcile these contraries, for they reconcile only in you. My fallen nature, which loves and desires you so... Read More
Glory Be
August 6, 2013 by Administrator
Filed under Spirituality

“This is an original poem by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be.” Thorn in my flesh,... Read More
Five Easter Poems
August 6, 2013 by Administrator
Filed under Spirituality

“This is a collection of original poems by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be.” I. Am I the only one... Read More
Spiritual Riches
August 6, 2013 by Administrator
Filed under Spirituality

“This is an original poem by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be.” What kind of man, Zacchaeus, Wealthy... Read More