This category addresses topics pertaining to the work of the New Apologetics broadly. Some important considerations for distinguishing between the New Apologetics and the “old apologetics” in terms of both method and content will be proposed.

The Solution to the Problem of Evil/Suffering
The following series of quotes from “Revelations of Divine Justice” gives the basic description of how God can be omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly opposed to all evil/suffering (such that no greater opposition can be conceived), and yet the evil in the world exists as it does. On this model, all evil is gratuitous (i.e. not necessary for any greater good) when considered in itself, but... Read More

A Dialogue on the Origin of Natural Evil
This conversation (posted with permission) covers a number of difficult aspects of theodicy – especially concerning predation, evolution, the origin of natural evil, and how the overall bloodbath reconciles with God’s goodness. There’s also a succinct proof for the entire Christian worldview (redemptive suffering, theosis, etc.) at the end. Really. ————————–————— Sri... Read More

An Introduction to Gift/Demand Algebra in the Gospels: A Proof of the Historicity and Divinity of Christ
We’ve never had much of an interest in Gospel historicity controversies because the very nature of historical argumentation seemed to us to be too loose to be compelling. Consequently, our research at New Apologetics has tended to favor deductive forms of argumentation, especially those benefiting from the rigor of analytic philosophy. By means of our research in other areas, and without... Read More

Matt McCormick’s Paraduxx (sic) of Divine Agency
Matt McCormick’s original article “The Paradox of Divine Agency”, In Michael Martin & Ricki Monnier (eds.), The Impossibility of God. Prometheus (2003) can be found here: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/m/mccormickm/DivineAgency.htm I don’t blame McCormick. In the order of blameworthy, it goes like this: the devil, the apologists (including myself), and then me again (for not writing faster).... Read More

Divine Hiddenness, Part 2: You Are Here with Me Always
A lot of people want to have a relationship with God, but can’t find him, and many who “have” a relationship with God may be inclined to wonder from time to time (or all the time, in hindsight) if there is any external participant in that relationship. Knowledge that the “other” exists is universally agreed to be the starting point in any normal relationship. When it comes to our... Read More

New Evangelization Series, Part II: Compassion or Something Better?
We Christians have a problem. We know that God is love, and that all of the teachings of the Church are to be understood as propositional manifestations of that love. We know that we are called to love one another as Christ loves us. And yet, we often find ourselves on the outside of social interactions where someone is talking about something that they are happy about. You may have heard the maxim,... Read More

“Three Pains” – A Lesson about Spiritual Abortion
[This is a conversation between one of our contributors and an agnostic reader of NA. The names have been changed, and permission to publish has been granted. This conversation is a wake-up call of sorts, in that it it portrays the unintentional, mostly unidentified, but nonetheless death-dealing phenomenon of what we’ve named “spiritual abortion”. Fear-based caring on the part... Read More

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag (A Dialogue on Pseudo-Catholicism)
Conversation started November 24, 2013 11/24, 12:06am James Christopher Are you discerning a vocation to the priesthood? 11/24, 12:07am Matthew Von Zarovich Yes. 11/24, 12:08am James Christopher You can ask whatever is on your mind here. There is a sort of behind the scenes ministry through FB chat. 11/24, 12:09am Matthew Von Zarovich What kind of ministry? 11/24,... Read More

The Christian Charism – An Explorative Conversation
This three-part talk is a spontaneous recording which took place in late 2013. The topics are very substantial, and are of import to all interested in the spiritual life. Read More →

The New Evangelization Series, Part I: The Atheists are Right
You’ve probably heard the question, “Is the glass half-empty or half-full?” It’s a question that supposedly introduces a person to the perennial struggle between optimists and pessimists – one which is supposedly never to resolve. We’re taught that these are two divergent ways of seeing the world, and are led to believe them to be incompatible. However, if we approach... Read More

Divine Hiddenness, Part I: We Don’t Know What We Know
We apologists don’t always make mistakes, but when we do we poison the hope of billions of people. Here’s a prime example: “The possibility of the world being filled with evil of all kinds while God is perfectly and omnipotently opposing every evil with all the power of his holiness seems like a definitive logical vacuum. …if God were perfectly opposing evil with the fullness of his... Read More

This is an original poem by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be. Seamless I Upon some altar I offer my... Read More

The Theodicy of Divine Chastity, Part II
Feast of the Prodigal Son — Vasily Polenov In The Theodicy of Divine Chastity, Part I, we began to describe how God, who is infinite love, gives of himself in a simple, innocent, and unconditionally faithful way regardless of whether or not we abuse or ignore his love. This perfection of self-offering is what we named the “chastity” of God. We chose this term in recognition that chastity, understood... Read More

An Open Letter to Atheists
As Catholic apologists, we want to do something that our name would suggest we do far more often: We’d like to apologize. By that we mean exactly what you would think; we want to say that we’re sorry. We understand that you might be suspicious right now, that you may be thinking that this is another “tactic” for drawing you in. It isn’t. In fact, having tactics is one of the things we’re... Read More

A Line in the Sand
Since the time of the Apostles, the Church has been engaged in the business of explaining Christian doctrine and defending it against error from both outside forces and inside forces (heresies). 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to “always be ready to give an explanation for the hope that is within you.” Recently, Cardinal Levada stated that the Church needs a New Apologetics for the New Evangelization. But... Read More
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Catholic Apologetics
This section addresses subject matter pertinent to Catholicism and Christianity in general. A particular focus will be put on the development of a fully integrated theory of the redemption.

The Solution to the Problem of Evil/Suffering
The following series of quotes from “Revelations of Divine Justice” gives the basic description of how God can be omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly opposed to all evil/suffering (such that no greater opposition can be conceived), and yet the evil in the world exists as it does. On this model, all evil is gratuitous (i.e. not necessary for any greater good) when considered in itself, but... Read More

A Dialogue on the Origin of Natural Evil
This conversation (posted with permission) covers a number of difficult aspects of theodicy – especially concerning predation, evolution, the origin of natural evil, and how the overall bloodbath reconciles with God’s goodness. There’s also a succinct proof for the entire Christian worldview (redemptive suffering, theosis, etc.) at the end. Really. ————————–————— Sri... Read More

Matt McCormick’s Paraduxx (sic) of Divine Agency
Matt McCormick’s original article “The Paradox of Divine Agency”, In Michael Martin & Ricki Monnier (eds.), The Impossibility of God. Prometheus (2003) can be found here: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/m/mccormickm/DivineAgency.htm I don’t blame McCormick. In the order of blameworthy, it goes like this: the devil, the apologists (including myself), and then me again (for not writing faster).... Read More

Conclusively Solving the Problem of Evil – A Discussion / Debate
Atheist philosopher Dan Linford has agreed to publicly discuss the problem of evil with New Apologetics. The aim of this dialogue / debate is to test the solution offered by New Apologetics to determine whether it is, in fact, the definitive solution to the philosophical / theological problem of evil. Our intention is to continue to respond to Dan’s questions and objections until there are no... Read More

The Redemption Series, Part I: Finding Our Way Out
In “The Theodicy of Divine Chastity, Part I,” we explored some aspects of the problem of evil in light of God’s perfect opposition to evil. Because of our experience of injustice, it can seem that God is either complicit in evil (i.e. “the end justifies the means”), or powerless, or nonexistent. Our first article in that series explained how it is possible for us to coherently... Read More

Divine Hiddenness, Part 2: You Are Here with Me Always
A lot of people want to have a relationship with God, but can’t find him, and many who “have” a relationship with God may be inclined to wonder from time to time (or all the time, in hindsight) if there is any external participant in that relationship. Knowledge that the “other” exists is universally agreed to be the starting point in any normal relationship. When it comes to our... Read More

Angelus Dixit
[Note to our readers: This is a very unusual piece of writing. If you find it hard to understand, don’t worry because we do too. We are posting it just in case you can get something from it. We are going to post a commentary eventually which will explain it piece by piece to the best of our understanding.] I. When you hear God and say something back to God, then you have something to say to... Read More

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag (A Dialogue on Pseudo-Catholicism)
Conversation started November 24, 2013 11/24, 12:06am James Christopher Are you discerning a vocation to the priesthood? 11/24, 12:07am Matthew Von Zarovich Yes. 11/24, 12:08am James Christopher You can ask whatever is on your mind here. There is a sort of behind the scenes ministry through FB chat. 11/24, 12:09am Matthew Von Zarovich What kind of ministry? 11/24,... Read More

The New Evangelization Series, Part I: The Atheists are Right
You’ve probably heard the question, “Is the glass half-empty or half-full?” It’s a question that supposedly introduces a person to the perennial struggle between optimists and pessimists – one which is supposedly never to resolve. We’re taught that these are two divergent ways of seeing the world, and are led to believe them to be incompatible. However, if we approach... Read More

Divine Hiddenness, Part I: We Don’t Know What We Know
We apologists don’t always make mistakes, but when we do we poison the hope of billions of people. Here’s a prime example: “The possibility of the world being filled with evil of all kinds while God is perfectly and omnipotently opposing every evil with all the power of his holiness seems like a definitive logical vacuum. …if God were perfectly opposing evil with the fullness of his... Read More

The Theodicy of Divine Chastity, Part II
Feast of the Prodigal Son — Vasily Polenov In The Theodicy of Divine Chastity, Part I, we began to describe how God, who is infinite love, gives of himself in a simple, innocent, and unconditionally faithful way regardless of whether or not we abuse or ignore his love. This perfection of self-offering is what we named the “chastity” of God. We chose this term in recognition that chastity, understood... Read More

A Discussion / Debate between New Apologetics and Catholic Philosopher Michael Liccione on The Possibility of Theodicy
Catholic philosopher Michael Liccione (https://www.facebook.com/mliccione) has invited New Apologetics to respond to his 1999 article “The Problems of Evil” (http://problemsofevil.blogspot.com/). Our position at New Apologetics is diametrically opposed to the one expressed in the article to be critiqued. Dr. Liccione argues that theodicy is impossible. We at New Apologetics argue that... Read More

Ten Questions and Answers on the “Why” of Human Suffering
Question 1: Is it arrogant to seek an answer to the “why” of suffering if God is “mystery”? Answer: God is infinitely mysterious, but for love of humanity, God has freely revealed himself, and has communicated what we otherwise could not have known by our own power. The Church teaches that, in revealing himself to us in this way, God has provided ultimate answers to those questions we human... Read More

The Theodicy of Divine Chastity, Part I
The occurrence of tragedy is especially problematic for the worldview of the Christian who believes in a good God. The “why” of suffering is certainly asked universally, but it is the believer who must somehow reconcile the reality of suffering with the belief in a loving God who both knows everything and has infinite power. Historically, most (if not all) explanations of the presence of suffering... Read More

A Debate/Discussion between “New Apologetics” and “Dogma Debate” on “The Top 11 Reasons for Atheism”
The following discussion originally took place on the New Apologetics Facebook page between April 13, 2013 and June 10, 2013 in front of an audience of approximately 20,000 online viewers. [Photo: An icon of Saint Abraham of Rostov destroying a statue of the pagan god Veles.] This post will be the venue for a discussion concerning the defensibility of 11 proposed reasons for atheism. The representative(s)... Read More
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In service to truth and justice, this category presents rebuttals to popular (but unsound) arguments for the existence of God and the truth of Christianity.

Conclusively Solving the Problem of Evil – A Discussion / Debate
Atheist philosopher Dan Linford has agreed to publicly discuss the problem of evil with New Apologetics. The aim of this dialogue / debate is to test the solution offered by New Apologetics to determine whether it is, in fact, the definitive solution to the philosophical / theological problem of evil. Our intention is to continue to respond to Dan’s questions and objections until there are no... Read More

The New Evangelization Series, Part I: The Atheists are Right
You’ve probably heard the question, “Is the glass half-empty or half-full?” It’s a question that supposedly introduces a person to the perennial struggle between optimists and pessimists – one which is supposedly never to resolve. We’re taught that these are two divergent ways of seeing the world, and are led to believe them to be incompatible. However, if we approach... Read More

A Discussion / Debate between New Apologetics and Catholic Philosopher Michael Liccione on The Possibility of Theodicy
Catholic philosopher Michael Liccione (https://www.facebook.com/mliccione) has invited New Apologetics to respond to his 1999 article “The Problems of Evil” (http://problemsofevil.blogspot.com/). Our position at New Apologetics is diametrically opposed to the one expressed in the article to be critiqued. Dr. Liccione argues that theodicy is impossible. We at New Apologetics argue that... Read More

A Refutation of the Kalām Cosmological Argument
Prefatory Note: This contribution to the work of counter-apologetics is made strictly in service of intellectual honesty and is not intended to be an argument for atheism in any way. We believe it to be an essential aspect of free and honest inquiry that if some argument can be shown to be faulty, then the fault ought to be exposed without delay or compunction regardless of one’s allegiance to any... Read More
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The aim of this category is to dispel misunderstandings about Christian prayer, the spiritual life, and the nature of the human person in general.

“Three Pains” – A Lesson about Spiritual Abortion
[This is a conversation between one of our contributors and an agnostic reader of NA. The names have been changed, and permission to publish has been granted. This conversation is a wake-up call of sorts, in that it it portrays the unintentional, mostly unidentified, but nonetheless death-dealing phenomenon of what we’ve named “spiritual abortion”. Fear-based caring on the part... Read More

Angelus Dixit
[Note to our readers: This is a very unusual piece of writing. If you find it hard to understand, don’t worry because we do too. We are posting it just in case you can get something from it. We are going to post a commentary eventually which will explain it piece by piece to the best of our understanding.] I. When you hear God and say something back to God, then you have something to say to... Read More

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag (A Dialogue on Pseudo-Catholicism)
Conversation started November 24, 2013 11/24, 12:06am James Christopher Are you discerning a vocation to the priesthood? 11/24, 12:07am Matthew Von Zarovich Yes. 11/24, 12:08am James Christopher You can ask whatever is on your mind here. There is a sort of behind the scenes ministry through FB chat. 11/24, 12:09am Matthew Von Zarovich What kind of ministry? 11/24,... Read More

The Christian Charism – An Explorative Conversation
This three-part talk is a spontaneous recording which took place in late 2013. The topics are very substantial, and are of import to all interested in the spiritual life. Read More →

This is an original poem by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be. Seamless I Upon some altar I offer my... Read More

(The Ordinary Discourse)
“This is an original poem by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be.” (The Ordinary Discourse) Thoughtful... Read More

A Christmas Prayer (Inspired by St. Thérèse)
My God, I have done little to prepare for Christmas. I have prepared myself poorly for the feast of your birth, and I will celebrate it as poorly. If I say that there is an “ought”, I can say also that I have not lived up to it. And now I say I love you. I do not attempt to reconcile these contraries, for they reconcile only in you. My fallen nature, which loves and desires you so... Read More

Glory Be
“This is an original poem by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be.” Thorn in my flesh,... Read More

Five Easter Poems
“This is a collection of original poems by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be.” I. Am I the only one... Read More

Spiritual Riches
“This is an original poem by New Apologetics, reposted here from where it first appeared on our Facebook page. Please continue to check our Facebook page for additional content, as new poems and prayers will usually appear there first. We include the poem here as an artistic representation of the theology of the Church as it has been, is, and always will be.” What kind of man, Zacchaeus, Wealthy... Read More
All Articles in this Category>>>
These conversations are representative exchanges which have taken place between New Apologetics contributors and various questioners from widely divergent backgrounds and world views.

A Dialogue on the Origin of Natural Evil
This conversation (posted with permission) covers a number of difficult aspects of theodicy – especially concerning predation, evolution, the origin of natural evil, and how the overall bloodbath reconciles with God’s goodness. There’s also a succinct proof for the entire Christian worldview (redemptive suffering, theosis, etc.) at the end. Really. ————————–————— Sri... Read More

Conclusively Solving the Problem of Evil – A Discussion / Debate
Atheist philosopher Dan Linford has agreed to publicly discuss the problem of evil with New Apologetics. The aim of this dialogue / debate is to test the solution offered by New Apologetics to determine whether it is, in fact, the definitive solution to the philosophical / theological problem of evil. Our intention is to continue to respond to Dan’s questions and objections until there are no... Read More

“Three Pains” – A Lesson about Spiritual Abortion
[This is a conversation between one of our contributors and an agnostic reader of NA. The names have been changed, and permission to publish has been granted. This conversation is a wake-up call of sorts, in that it it portrays the unintentional, mostly unidentified, but nonetheless death-dealing phenomenon of what we’ve named “spiritual abortion”. Fear-based caring on the part... Read More

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag (A Dialogue on Pseudo-Catholicism)
Conversation started November 24, 2013 11/24, 12:06am James Christopher Are you discerning a vocation to the priesthood? 11/24, 12:07am Matthew Von Zarovich Yes. 11/24, 12:08am James Christopher You can ask whatever is on your mind here. There is a sort of behind the scenes ministry through FB chat. 11/24, 12:09am Matthew Von Zarovich What kind of ministry? 11/24,... Read More

Scott Maddox versus New Apologetics on God’s Existence
Scott MaddoxNew Apologetics January 19, 2013 · What is the newest Apologetics argument for the existence of God? LikeLike · · Share New Apologetics We are happy that you asked. As far as we know, our version of the modal ontological argument is the newest. One of our contributors has been working on it for about 15 years, and it finally seems to have reached... Read More

Adam, Eve, Original Sin
Tim KesserNew Apologetics January 19, 2013 · With the concept of original sin. We have all heard the story of Adam & Eve. The story of mankind’s fall from grace and the emergence of original sin with Eve getting tricked, by the talking snake, into eating the apple is well known throughout the world. Now, with modern genetics ruling out the whole of mankind coming from... Read More

Three Categories of Suffering, Double-Bind Devotional Language v. Story Framing, Analysis of St. Thomas More Quote, Mental Reservation (Approved Article), Trolleyology
Michael ZimmermanNew Apologetics January 19, 2013 · RE: God’s infinite opposition to suffering, but still allowing it (Taken from an earlier conversation) It would seem to me that some kinds of suffering work to enhance our lives, and strengthen our bond with God. You don’t know what you’ve got until you almost lose it, after all. The suffering in Purgatory... Read More

We Have One Enemy?
Jeremy Budd WitteNew Apologetics January 18, 2013 · Question… Why does it appear to me as if somehow, the debate between Catholics & Protestants seeps into public arenas where we ought be more unified in? (I’ve noticed the common enemies to Protestants & Catholics are targeting OUR CHILDREN!!!!!!) LikeLike · · Share Nicole DeMille likes... Read More

NA is the only one allowed?
Sandra CrotingerNew Apologetics January 14, 2013 · Wow didnt realize that “New Apolpgetics” was the only one allowed to try and help people understand the Bible…..Dissapointed LikeLike · · Share Ridwan Ritonga likes this. New Apologetics You are very welcome to express an opinion or question in a post to the timeline. We welcome... Read More

Parable of Goats and Sheep commentary, Ankit states the Little Way, Miracles to believe?
Juan JimenezNew Apologetics January 12, 2013 · El Cajon, CA · Question : If Jesus is God how is it that the father will reign and jesus will be at his right hand…? wouldnt that make jesus a lesser God? i cant seem to wrap my mind around this one… anyone? LikeLike · · Share New Apologetics Thank you for your question. The answer is forthcoming.... Read More

Baptize “in the Name of Jesus” or “in the Name of the Trinity”?
Carla JazelNew Apologetics January 12, 2013 · Hello! I’m a Catholic and I would like to clarify some points regarding on our holy faith. Jesus told His disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19). But Peter baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38). As the first pope, he probably used Jesus’ name instead of the... Read More

Grounds for a New Apologetics Discussion/Dialogue/Debate with Ankit Dhawan Concerning an Analysis of the Vedas in Light of the Bible and the Bible in Light of the Vedas
Ankit DhawanNew Apologetics January 12, 2013 · I am enamored by the sincere effort put in by the most kind and merciful administrator of this facebook page in responding to my question. Although, I am not in complete understanding of all the answers to my questions, but bulk of my misunderstanding about Christian faith has been straightened out. Previously, I was getting all... Read More

Suffering Dissertation, Are EWTN executives “culpably negligent”?
James RinkevichNew Apologetics January 10, 2013 · Per your remark below explain what mean about either (a) suffering being an evil. Note consider that Jesus did suffer per the symbol of Nicea and to say that suffering is an evil would be to say Jesus did evil. 2. Or that the world does not drive (many) men through suffering to seek, serve, and love God and to be justified (by... Read More

What are we? What is our relationship to God? Why are we separate from God? Psychology? Redemption?
Ankit DhawanNew Apologetics January 8, 2013 · As I am reading all these wonder ful posts (thanks!) my apetite for seeking straight answers to some of the foundational questions is increasing. So, here it goes: 1. Who are we? Are we the body or the soul? Someone gave the analogy of car and the driver… car being hte body and driver being the soul. 2. Who creates us? (OK!... Read More

Why doesn’t the Catholic Church accept Eastern Orthodox Saints?
Pati SorgeNew Apologetics January 7, 2013 · I was asked and had never thought of this before.. Does the Catholic church except the Eastern Orthodox saints as saints? I know the canonization process differs. LikeLike · · Share New Apologetics Pati Sorge The Catholic Church teaches that any person who is in heaven is a saint. However, the lives of those individuals... Read More

How to give an Answer Concerning Evil to a Child
Lisa Franzoy-NealNew Apologetics January 6, 2013 · My daughter, Trinity, asked me this question but I don’t think I answered the question adequately: “If God knew that Satan and all the bad angels would turn against Him, that Adam and Eve would fall, and that some people would goto hell than why did God create them? Why wouldn’t God just create those that he... Read More

Learning from Atheists, Other Things
Jomil MulveyNew Apologetics January 6, 2013 · WHY bis not being one of the People of the book equated with Athism?? I am a religious Pagan who says her prayers morning and night and enjoys the fellowship of more or less like minds. I happen to harbor a deep love for ST Therese, and a deep respect for ST. Hypatia of Alexanfia martyred for rhr crime of saying that ftruth was greater... Read More

Sola Scriptura? Art as Idolatry? Is Jesus Necessary? Mary needs Jesus?
Ankit DhawanNew Apologetics January 5, 2013 · I have another inquiry thread asking some foundational questions that are being addressed by this wonderful servant of God. I have some related but different questions about Catholicism that I have the urge to submit respectfully… 1. If we deviate from Sola Scripture and add man made traditions and interpretations as components... Read More

Salvation Outside the Church?
Garrett BeckstromNew Apologetics January 1, 2013 · Are those who are not Catholic allowed in the Kingdom of God? Will they be sent to Hell or can they be purged in Purgatory? LikeLike · · Share New Apologetics The Church teaches that God is just, and therefore it follows that those who desire God (even if they do not know him or his Church) are *sure* to... Read More

Once Saved, Always Saved?
Abet LayugNew Apologetics December 28, 2012 · Once Saved, always saved??? Is this teaching Biblical? Is it in contrary with the following verses- 2 Peter 2:20-22, Heb. 6:4-7, Heb.10:26 and 2 John 1:8? LikeLike · · Share New Apologetics We begin by offering the full text of the quotes you cited:For if they, having escaped the defilements of the world through... Read More

Rich Dialogue on original sin, Reconciliation, and souls
Ankit DhawanNew Apologetics December 28, 2012 · My inquiry into Christian faith has been an interesting journey so far. I have a few questions that I have not gotten convincing answers. Can someone help? 1. Where does soul come from? How does it take birth and what is the final destination of soul? 2. When Adam and Eve fell, my soul was not there? Why does the entire humanity... Read More

“Everything is Grace: The Life and Way of Thérèse of Lisieux” by Joseph F. Schmidt
Brenda Lee Guptill-OliverNew Apologetics December 27, 2012 · Saint Therese, the little flower, is one of my favorite saints. I just got the new book about her, and how she tried to please people because of how she felt, so she prayed and God helped. My mom had a devotion to her as well, and I did not know until I got her jewelry after she died. LikeLike · · Share New... Read More

Biblical Proofs for Sola Scriptura?
Abet LayugNew Apologetics December 26, 2012 · Sola Scriptura? what are the Biblical proofs for that claim? can we consider the Divine Oral Tradition as also a basis of faith? how about the apostolic tradition since some of the apostles did not write anything? LikeLike · · Share 3 people like this. New Apologetics There is no biblical basis for... Read More

What are we if not Believers?
Therese Carmel I. HuelarNew Apologetics December 23, 2012 · what are we” if not Believers LikeLike · · Share New Apologetics We are awaiting the grace to believe. December 24, 2012 at 12:39pm · Like Paul Cameron waiting praying and believing? just like the old testiment believers did? December 25, 2012 at 3:20pm · Like New... Read More

What can wash away our sins? What about Apostolic Authority?
Gareth NorthamNew Apologetics December 22, 2012 · What can wash away our sins? LikeLike · · Share Cris Laurence Ocampo Abayata likes this. New Apologetics Nothing but the blood of Jesus. December 22, 2012 at 7:18pm · Like · 10 Amanda DeAnne How very Protestant of you. December 22, 2012 at 11:11pm · Like Paul... Read More

Different Denominations and Social Justice
Paul CameronNew Apologetics December 22, 2012 · what doctrine is the background of this web page??? LikeLike · · Share New Apologetics We are fully loyal to the teachings of the Catholic Church. December 22, 2012 at 1:09pm · Like · 4 Emy Casabuena so true December 22, 2012 at 3:49pm · Like Paul Cameron so does... Read More

Dean Victor Lanestosa MontalvoNew Apologetics December 10, 2012 · Hello guys, as a modern apologist? how can we defend about the doctrine on purgatory? hope you can help me with this topic thanks God Bless Like · James P Dimichino likes this. New Apologetics The necessity of purgatory is easily explainable when we come to see how much resistance... Read More

“Christian Manners”
Beatriz PayneNew Apologetics December 6, 2012 · Parents live a holy life and educate your children in a christian manners. Children obey and follow directions of your parents. Members of the family pray and worship together. Like · 2 people like this. New Apologetics It is interesting that you wrote “christian manners.” It really does... Read More

Physical Healing is only a “sign” of a Greater Healing to come
Peter PiccioliniNew Apologetics December 4, 2012 · I have a question and would like some input please. As a Catholic I understand and believe that Jesus bore the sins of the world. He took our iniquities to the cross. I have many friends of Christian denominations and respect them and how they choose to worship however I need to try to understand something that I have run into... Read More

Is there a law of tithing?
David GrahamNew Apologetics December 1, 2012 · i am a catholic i had a born again experience in 1996 since then ive been round all the different churches you name it ive tried it now am back at mass missed it what i did not like in all the other churches was the coercion used before the plate went round about tithing i was saved now am to do pay to keep my salvation well thats... Read More

What makes us Right with God?
Gareth NorthamNew Apologetics November 30, 2012 · What makes us right with God? Like · New Apologetics likes this. New Apologetics It is only by being transformed by the Holy Spirit to become one with Christ that we are made right with God. We can explain in depth according to your interest. December 19, 2012 at 4:29pm · Like New... Read More

What would Saint Therese argue?
Drewed HensleyNew Apologetics November 28, 2012 · Therese of Lisieux taught us “the little way” to serve God! The “Flower” is ready to teach us today! Like · Elizabeth Micheal likes this. New Apologetics She would argue that we need to let him serve us so that he can transform us into himself. The sooner we arrive at the understanding... Read More

Most Prudent Way of Evangelizing?
Christopher Charles PrietoNew Apologetics November 28, 2012 · What is the most prudent way by example and by word that I can lead and evangelize to build a stronger crew without forcing it? Like · 3 people like this. New Apologetics We can ask the Lord to bring us to that place where we know that we are in no way above the people we are evangelizing.... Read More

What is New Apologetics? Why do we preach?
Elvia MunozNew Apologetics November 27, 2012 · What is “NEW APOLOGETICS”? Like · New Apologetics Here are two good articles for starters:http://www.zenit.org/article-29086?l=englishhttp://www.cuf.org/laywitness/Online_view.asp?lwID=1214 December 28, 2012 at 9:42pm · Like New Apologetics We work to address questions and objections... Read More

What is the difference between praise and worship?
Jim HollandNew Apologetics November 27, 2012 · Alma, AR · Question: What is the difference between worship and praise? Like · New Apologetics Jim Holland From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:“2639 Praise is the form of prayer which recognizes most immediately that God is God. It lauds God for his own sake and gives him glory, quite beyond what... Read More

Do atheists personify nature?
Neringa MaxwellNew Apologetics November 23, 2012 · I have a question about the atheists’ arguments and their views. While arguing against existence of God, they refer to Nature, often even Mother Nature, her laws and her creations. It seems that most of them (atheists) are not bothered about this personification of nature and that they are willing to accept the idea that... Read More

Why was Abel’s offering looked on with favor while Cains was not?
Vernon ChoinNew Apologetics November 16, 2012 · Why was Abels offering looked on with favor while Cains was not? Like · New Apologetics Please pardon the omission. This question slipped through the cracks for a long time. Necessarily, the only reason would be that Cain’s offering was not one which sought unity, but was done in an attempt to elevate him above... Read More

Why was Limbo scrapped by the Pope?
Dexter HuindaNew Apologetics November 6, 2012 · I have a question regarding Limbo. Why was it scrapped by the current Pope? I was just curious because this particular doctrine had been there since I was born. It’s the very reason why newborn babies are being “forced” to be baptized for the fear of being brought to this place when they die without having gone through... Read More

Praying to Saints
Dakota SummersNew Apologetics November 5, 2012 · I have an honest question. Why does the Catholic church pray to saints? Like · Elaine Anderson Brewer likes this. New Apologetics The Church recognizes that God is not protective of his own glory. In truth, his glory is that we share as fully as logically possible in the life and work of God. He loves... Read More

Priestly Celibacy
Kathleen Rose MarbleNew Apologetics November 5, 2012 · Hello! First of all, I would like to say that you are very brave to have made this page. God has truly gifted you with great courage and wisdom to do such a thing. Secondly, I have a question. Some of my friends are questioning me on the fact that priests and consecrated women are not to be married. They tell me that man... Read More